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Nick Lempesis

Web, Maps, GIS, Data

nlempesis@outlook.comGet a quote!

Windfarm visual impact analysis

University of Glasgow

I performed a viewshed analysis for a proposed windfarm development in rural Wales, using local topographic maps and the ArcMap visibility tools. Following research on windfarm construction and related environmental issues and effects on the community, I created a poster for a hearing at the local council promoting the project.

The design legibly communicates zones of theoretical visibility for different parts of the turbines, as well as 3D landscape reconstruction scenes made using ArcScene.

A video presentation of the proposal accompanied the poster. The video was created using true 3D graphics and camera animations in Blender with the BlenderGIS addon, with editing done in NCH VideoPad. Several technical difficulties were faced in the process but the end result was adequately realistic.

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